fc64js is a small browser based fantasy console
It supports keyboard, touch, and gamepad input across desktop and mobile devices
The minified library weighs in at just 16 kilobytes
Click or tap a gif to play :sunglasses:
All you need to get started developing fc64js games is the library, your text editor or IDE of choice (e.g. vscode), and a modern web browser to run and debug it on (e.g. google chrome)
fc64js “roms” (i.e. games/demos) are simply javascript scripts that are included on a html page alongside the fc64js library
Each rom must include a romInit()
function (called once on page load/reload) and a romLoop()
function (called continuously at a targeted 60 frames per second)
This basic example can be saved locally (e.g. in a file named basic-example.html
) and simply opened in a web browser:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, height=device-height, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1" />
<script src="https://theinvader360.github.io/fc64js/lib/fc64.min.js"></script>
let x = 60;
let y = 60;
let color = 4;
function romInit() {
drawPixel(3, 3, COL_WHT);
function romLoop() {
if (isJustPressed(BTN_A) && color > 1) {
if (isJustReleased(BTN_B) && color < 6) {
drawPixel(x, y, COL_BLK);
if (isPressed(BTN_U) && y > 0) {
if (isPressed(BTN_D) && y < GFX_H - 1) {
if (isPressed(BTN_L) && x > 0) {
if (isPressed(BTN_R) && x < GFX_W - 1) {
drawPixel(x, y, color);
See here for an example that uses javascript modules
The key differences are changes to the html script
elements here, and the introduction of import
and fc64Init
javascript statements here
See here for a convenient starter project to help create roms using typescript
The result of following the fc64js-typescript-starter readme instructions is available here
Various demos are available here
Various other roms that don’t cleanly fit into the other categories are available here
fc64js is comprised of original code by TheInvader360
Inspiration has been drawn from many sources - real machines like the zx spectrum, commodore 64, bbc micro, and various handhelds, virtual machines like hack (nand2tetris) and chip-8, and fantasy consoles like pico-8, tic-80, and wasm-4
Special mention goes out to the peekpoke minimal fantasy console - a great example of how to architect this kind of project
These credits relate to the fc64js fantasy console itself - credits for specific roms can be found in their accompanying readme files, or in code comments, or both
MIT © TheInvader360